Social and Participatory Media

How active are the social media feeds of The Daily Mail and The Guardian and what might this tell us about their readers and how involved they are with news products? Which articles are included and which generate the most social media activity and audience participation?
1. Look at the Twitter feed for both The Guardian and The Daily Mail. Make a note of their follower numbers. Which is more popular and why do you think that might be?
2. Make a note of any branding used on the twitter feed, including any slogans.
3. List the news items that are included on their feed and categorise them into news stories: economic, political, crime, international, environmental, celebrity and feature stories.
4. Pick example stories and look at how much interest the story has generated via the comments, retweets or favourites.
5. Think about the academic ideas we have been ooking at in lessons and think about how you could apply these to these products and the reader participation they inspire.
