Our Girl is a TV Drama broadcast on the BBC. The show has a 9pm prime time evening mid-week slot on the schedule, following on from The Great British Bake Off, attempting to hold the huge audience figures that the bake off attracts. It is a mainstream TV Drama, using TV soap actors who are well known to the audience. Consider what type of audience would be attracted to watching this.
The main character Georgie Lane is played by Coronation actor Michelle Keegan. She is a solider working in Kenya on the Somalian border as a military medic. She is represented as strong, gutsy soldier who is passionate about her work in the field. In fact, she is represented as a counter-stereotype when it comes to gender when she is captured by terrorists and she is thrown into a kidnap situation, being held hostage with another female aid worker Kicki in the terrorists' compound. She is shown to rely on her military training, comforting Kicki and inspiring her to trust her to try and fight for survival and escape. Her intelligence and resourcefulness see her remove and hide her dog tags, attempt to befriend her captor and search for a way to escape. She even challenges the British terrorist Abu showing her bravery.
However, she is shown to be more stereotypical when she is initially captured. There are other elements of the show where conventional stereotypes are explored.....
Task: Look at the scene where she is kidnapped from the ambulance. Focus on the use of sound, editing, camerawork and mise-en-scene. Try and make a more detailed textual analysis of this scene and add it to your blog post. Explain the effect on the viewer and the possible intentions of the director.
Print out your own copy of the subject terminology for your notes.
The main character Georgie Lane is played by Coronation actor Michelle Keegan. She is a solider working in Kenya on the Somalian border as a military medic. She is represented as strong, gutsy soldier who is passionate about her work in the field. In fact, she is represented as a counter-stereotype when it comes to gender when she is captured by terrorists and she is thrown into a kidnap situation, being held hostage with another female aid worker Kicki in the terrorists' compound. She is shown to rely on her military training, comforting Kicki and inspiring her to trust her to try and fight for survival and escape. Her intelligence and resourcefulness see her remove and hide her dog tags, attempt to befriend her captor and search for a way to escape. She even challenges the British terrorist Abu showing her bravery.
However, she is shown to be more stereotypical when she is initially captured. There are other elements of the show where conventional stereotypes are explored.....
- How the main antagonist Abu is portrayed in terms of gender and ethnicity.
- How the male special forces soldiers are portrayed and why.
- How the young terrorist Zehki is manipulated yet motivated by his own naive intentions.
Task: Look at the scene where she is kidnapped from the ambulance. Focus on the use of sound, editing, camerawork and mise-en-scene. Try and make a more detailed textual analysis of this scene and add it to your blog post. Explain the effect on the viewer and the possible intentions of the director.
Print out your own copy of the subject terminology for your notes.
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