Read through a good quality Exemplar Essay to help you look at how to structure your ideas.
Remember to use the general terminology from today's lesson starter and those analytical words to structure your analysis effectively.
Here's a reminder...
Remember to use the general terminology from today's lesson starter and those analytical words to structure your analysis effectively.
Here's a reminder...
Analytical Word
- establishes
- signifies
- denotes
- connotes
- suggests
- implies
- illustrates
- foreshadows
- contrasts with
- is juxtaposed with
- demonstrates
- identifies
...allows/invites the viewer to...deduce/infer/understand/realise
...creates an expectation that....will happen
...heightens the sensation of...fear/dread/excitement/passion
...invites the audience to...sympathise/empathise/identify with (a character)
Grade boundaries
A 40-50
B 35-39
C 30-34
D 25-29
E 21-24
U 0-20
Grade boundaries
A 40-50
B 35-39
C 30-34
D 25-29
E 21-24
U 0-20
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